Sorry to hear about your close call. It's troubling that we have to factor risk of being run-over on to our training. In last few years, I over indexed on the risk and ended up riding more and more indoors. I think that ended up having a negative impact on my mental health. I'm trying to ride outside more these days, but am very conscious of where I ride. Wide shoulders or bike paths preferred. But I still worry that my wife, kids, and mother would get a call that something happened to me. I understand life is about weighing risks, but it's sad that we have to weigh this risk.

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Yeah, I will grant that where I live I'm able to be out of town in 10' on the bike and then it's a lot of rural-ish roads that are popular bike routes, so I'm pretty used to it and most cars are chill and I don't think much about it. When I'm other places, where the cars are really aggressive or extra fast and big or there's a lot of traffic, I can definitely sense a difference in how safe I feel, just in the back of my head.

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