Thanks for doing all the heavy lifting of looking up all of these races, results and info about races and athletes. As an aside does Beth Potter look superthin in the picture? I was shocked to see how thin she is.

Anyways, as another commenter mentioned so many things are connected and sometimes seeing it all makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist. However, once you see it you can’t unsee it…

Again, thanks for finding all of these connections.

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I dunno, Beth has always been a lean athlete and I'm hesitant to comment on athletes' bodies. Certainly some people can look tired at times, but it usually comes around

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I enjoyed MG's new book, "The Revenge Of The Tipping Point", I like all of his books mainly for the research and weaving together of stories, it makes me think of "The Kevin Bacon", that with enough time and energy, you realize *everything* is connected, and not very unique. Anyway, clearly his vitriol and distain for Harvard was dripping off the page during the chapter on their women's Rugby team, but it was interesting and made me wonder how anyone working in admissions can do their job with a straight face.

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I haven't read his new book yet! But I did struggle with some of the conclusions he seemed to jump to in his other books - like he came under a lot of criticism eventually for basically already have an argument he wanted to support and ignoring things that didn't fit with those broad generalities (thinking specifically of the argument that Asian airlines had more accidents bc Asian pilots were more deferential - which was widely refuted later by a lot of the evidence).

It does seem like he's learned some lessons about jumping to a conclusion in more recent stuff, and I do think some of the research around group exclusivity is interesting (though there's also probably some other reasons athletes at Ivies get in more, like it tends to correlate with higher income families for these elite sports & create a donor base - for better or worse + youth/college sports kinda have a life of their own at this point, you know, that you almost can't opt out of?)

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