I read the other guy’s essay - I can see why it pissed you off. He suffers from a typical lit teacher problem: seeing everything as a metaphor. And the metaphor he sees isn’t metaphorical; it’s your actual day-to-day life. Which is just, you know… life.

One day when I got up and headed downstairs to leave for school, there was a huge black crow perched on a chair in the front room. It had somehow fallen down the chimney and couldn’t get back out. I freaked out. It’s an omen, I can’t leave, something terrible will happen, don’t chase it or anger it, but also it can’t stay here, it has to go somewhere… then John came downstairs, told me that I don’t live in a Virginia Wolff novel, it’s just a bird, opened the front door and watched it fly away. I went to work.

I mean, I suppose it could’ve been a metaphor. It depends on how you tell it. To the crow though, it was just a fucking weird day.

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I mean you know I'm a big believer that not everything is a metaphor. Should put it on a tshirt.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Kelly O'Mara

Thank you for sharing your story 🙏🏻

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Kelly O'Mara

Thanks for sharing Kelly. I am in the more than one time category so was really interested in this. Who knew other people passed out whenever they’re about to puke?

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Kelly O'Mara

Fascinating. At least you don't have far to fall. 😘

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Kelly O'Mara

Thanks for sharing. We are here for you.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Kelly O'Mara

Thank you for sharing, Kelly. I recall you writing about this in your blog. I will share my own story - I had a vasovagal syncope on the subway on the way to work 5ish years ago. Someone saw me turn white and gave up their seat. I woke up two express stops later, cold sweating but knowing that I was one subway stop away from work, scared but grateful I hadn’t hit the ground and that the BUSIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD were attentive enough to notice and help me. Went to the doctor, had some tests, hasn’t happened since. At the time, I recalled your blog and how bodies are just funny sometimes and so long as the critical tests are negative, you keep living life! (I stayed on the subway and went to work as usual that day.)

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Glad it worked out, for sure can be scary but works out for most people!

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So sorry to hear. I learned about the vagus nerve in hot yoga. Micro back bend at “the right” angle and I am in the floor. After 2x I saw a few dr’s, finally a dr asked me to try and make it happen, i did. After many tests i was deemed ok and told to avoid that exact movement. Has not happened since.

I appreciate your honesty and humor.

Hang in there!!!

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The body is a weird thing, right, who knew that exact movement could cause that

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