
Part of what motivated me to finish my first IM was all the sunk costs. 😂

I'd be curious to see a chart how the IM entry fee has increased over time. Total entry fee for IMLP in 2009 was $551 but I don't have a breakdown of entry + tax + active surcharge.

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Absolutely insane! And then if you like being a triathlete….its all about upgrading everything to new, better, faster! 😂

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Kelly, need to also add in proper/professional bike fit especially for newbie triathletes. Low range is what $250 per fit?

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Mmm, that's a good one. When I started, bike shops would usually do a basic fit with the bike purchase to get you going, but I don't think that's as common anymore and if you're going to put in IM miles then you probably need at least a basic proper bike fit.

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I love it, but it’s such an expensive and exclusive hobby.

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Yeah, I'm not judging, like my sister spends money on games and gaming clubs/nights and I've never done that. Some of it's just lifestyle too -- like some people see their friends at Masters, which is fine.

But for sure we don't ever really fully capture or look at the full price of the thing

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Oh I definitely spread out the cost of an IM over a year 😂

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Something that struck me reading this was how many of these expenses I had just doing my first season of sprints and Olympics. I had cheaper race registrations and a crappier bike, but still, I distinctly remember saying to some friends in my training group, “I can’t wait to find out what $200 thing I need this week!” Wetsuit, bike pedals/shoes, a bike rack to actually get the bike to workouts that I couldn’t bike to, etc etc. It’s wild what the startup costs can be even if you have extremely minimal ambitions in the sport!

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Yeah, there's an amount you just need period if you want to really do triathlon. I'm a big believer in you can wing it for your first one or handful -- borrow stuff, ride whatever you have in your garage (I 100% owned one pair of bike shorts for the whole first like year I did tri and just washed them a lot and wore them with a tshirt) -- but then as you get more into it, you end up having to buy some of that stuff. It's probably true of whatever it is that prompts you to really "commit," it's just more common that for a casual new triathlete that's a full or a 70.3

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Feb 19Liked by Kelly O'Mara

OMG 😳 the total 🤯

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